2015年8月19日 星期三

大西洋憲章(THE ATLANTIC CHARTER) 後記(十二)之二

Declaration on Decolonization--UNGA Resolution 1514
Articles(5-7) of The Declaration :
5.Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.
6.Any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a country is imcompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the Inited Nations.
7.All States shall observe faithfully and strictly the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Present Declaration on the basis of equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of all States, and" respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples" and their territorial integrity.
7.所有國家應在平等,不干涉任何國家內政,與"尊重所有人民的主權者權利","領土完整性"等基礎 ,忠實、嚴格遵守聯合國憲章、世界人權宣言及本宣言的規定。

947th plenary meeting, 14 December 1960


(From Wikisource)
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

