2015年8月27日 星期四

By 'n' by hard times comes a-knocking at the door ! (50)

子曰 :「為政以德。譬如北辰,居其所,而眾星共之。」(論語為政)
The Master said, "He who exercises government by means of his virtue, may be compared to the north polar star which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it." ( Confucian Analects, English translation by James Legge, D. D., LL. D., Ch. II, Wei Chang )
輪轂如何攝持輪圈 ?
又輪轂如何轉動輪圈,使得輪圈速率平均,轉動不息 ?
孔子不說上天的操控 ,也不說萬有引力所致。然而,特別指出,這是為政以德的模範( pattern ) ,揭示上天啟示的政治原理。
孔子乃謂 :「大哉,堯之為君也 ! 巍巍乎,唯天為大,唯堯則之 ! 蕩蕩乎,民無能名焉 ! 巍巍乎,其有成功也 ! 煥乎,其有文章 ! 」(論語泰伯)
The Master said, " Great indeed was Yao as a sovereign ! How majestic was he ! It is only Heaven that is grand, and only Yao corresponded it. How vast his virtue ! The people could find no name for it. How majestic was he in the works which he accomplished !
How glorious in the elegant regulations which he instituted ! "( Ibid., Ch. VIII, Tai Po )
孔子同於堯帝的自然神論( Deism ),唯天為大,仲尼則之,不認為上天操控天體運行和人間事務。
故謂 :「無為而治者,其舜也與 ! 夫何為哉 ? 恭己南面而已矣。」(論語衛靈公)
The Master said, " May not Shun be instanced as having governed efficiently without exertion ? What did he do ? He did nothing but gravely and reverently occupied his royal seat. "( Ibid., Ch. XV, Wei Ling Kung )
因此,"Old Kentucky home"就是仁的成果,果實纍纍遍及,孔子的大同理想世界,或孟子王道說的小康社會。
但,這早已是人間稀果或只是儒家的紙上作業( paper work )。
為什麼 ?
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

