2016年1月27日 星期三


尋找造物主( The Creator )
So called Eleaticism (I)
Xenophanes最先揭發此隱含在Anaximenes' philosophy中"無不生有,有則不滅"的不變原理,推衍出唯一神論。
而這定律嗣後由Parmenides of Elea(half 5th century BC) 將其進一步闡明,並將其推展至極致結局。Parmenides成為所謂伊理學派的開創者,Xenophanes被視為其導師和先驅。{註}(The axiom was made more explicit and carried its extreme consequences by Parmenides of Elea, half 5th century BC, the founder of so called Eleaticism, of whom Xenophanes has been regarded as the teacher and the forerunner.) ( Ibid.)
所以,Xenophanes這位愛奧尼亞( Ionian)的智者,對於"無不生有,有則不滅"的定律,居於承先啟後的地位。
Parmenides 堅稱,"所謂絕對存有"不可能轉化為存有,也不可能消逝。若然,豈不就是無中生有,又復消逝於無,援於無的本質就是不存在。
Parmenides insisted "what is "cannot have come into being and cannot pass away because it would have to have come out of nothing or to become nothing, whereas nothing by its very nature does not exist. ( Ibid.)
Parmenides能找到造物主---自有永有者 ?
{註}有說Xenophanes是Parmenides最長弟子 ( Ibid.,580)
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

