2016年1月23日 星期六


尋找造物主( The Creator )
宇宙一元論(The Monistic Cosmology) 和萬有蘊生論者(hylozoists) 的生命起源說(II)
Thales的傳人,Anaximander of Miletus (Mid-6th century BC)謂宇宙萬物源自混沌(apeiron) ,其乃無限無形、無以名狀(infinite and indefinite without distinguishable qualities) 。
混沌自內生出相互對立的冷和熱(cold and hot) ,"冷"凝結為地和水(earth and water) ,"熱"又將地和水,蒸發出空氣和霧氣(air and mist) ,如是產生無量數的熱環(fiery ring) ,形成日月星辰,形構宇宙。
生命又如何開展 ?
Anaximander延續 Thales 的說法,認為生命源自海洋。所有陸地動物皆是海洋動物的後代,尤其,人類是鯨類(family of cetaceans) Galeus levis卵生鯊的後代,這種鯊將蛋所孵出的幼魚,放置於袋子(punch) ,直到幼魚可以獨立覓食。
Anaximander認為,"生命緊密受到源自海洋的潮濕(moisture)所制約。......此潮濕(moisture)將部分乾化、部分蒸發,直到所有生物又重返此無分別性的混沌,作為付出其因不公正所應得的懲罰,此乃因彼此生存競爭所致"。(Life, being closed bound up with moisture, originated in the sea.......Gradually, however, the moisture will be partly dried up, partly evaporated, until in the end all things have returned into the undifferentiated apeiron , " in order to pay the penalty for their injustice"--that of having struggled one another.) (See, Britannica Encyclopaedia, op cit., 745)
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

