2016年7月1日 星期五

"人權之法理基礎" 再述(六十六)-----下
尋找造物主( The Creator )
父母境界-----行自境界,從父所得 (X)
行自境界,從父所得-----四念處(正念、念根)----- 一乘道
If precautions are to be taken against thieves who break into safes, go into bags, and open boxes, one must arrange ropes carefully and strengthen bolts. This is what is popularly recognized as wisdom.
But then a robber comes along and runs off carrying the box, the safe, and the bag because one's sole fear has been that the ropes and bolts were not strong enough. Thus the so-called wise man has been only an accumulator for robbers. Let's talk about this a minute. Don't the men popularly considered wise all become accumulators for robbers ? Don't so- called sages all become refuges for robbers ? See, James R. Wares, op cit., The Sayings of Chuang Tzu, Safebreaking.
" Is there also a proper way to rob ? "
To guess the treasures in a building is to be a sage ; being the first to enter the building is courage ; being last to leave is propriety ; knowing the possible and the impossible is wisdom ; and making a fair distribution of the booty is high morality.Ibid.
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

