2020年3月26日 星期四

The Buddha Destroys all poisons ! 佛破一切毒 !

佛即為尊者舍利弗而說偈言 :
The Buddha Sakyamuni told The Saint Sariputra the “gagha” :

常慈念於彼 Always remind mercifully of Him 

堅固賴吒羅 The firm, strong Rastrapala

慈伊羅槃那 mercy on Erapattra

尸婆弗多羅 Siva Putana

欽婆羅上馬 Kambola the super horse 

亦慈迦拘吒 also mercy on Kataputana 

及彼黑瞿曇 and also the Black Gautama 

難陀跋難陀 Nanda Upananda

慈悲於無足 mercy on the footless living beings 

及以二足者 and also on the two-feet 

四足與多足 On four and multiple feet 

亦悉起慈悲 also bestow mercy upon them 

慈悲於諸龍 mercy on all dragons 

依於水陸者 living on water and land

慈一切眾生 mercy on all living beings 

有畏與無畏 whether fear or fearless 

安樂於一切 let all living beings be comfort and happy

亦離煩惱生 keep them away from trouble making 

欲令一切賢 wish all beings be expedient 

一切莫生惡 cause no malice to any one 

常住蛇頭巖 long stay on the Snake's Head Rock

眾惡不來集 no malicious beings gather there

 凶害惡毒蛇 the fierce, harmful and malicious snakes 

 能害眾生命 may harm the living beings 

如此真諦言 such words of truthfulness 

無上大師說 the speech of the Supreme Master

我今誦習此 now I chant, learn them 

大師真實語 the Grand Master’s truthful words

一切諸惡毒 all fierce, malicious poisons 

不能害我身 could not harm my body

貪欲瞋恚癡 Lust, Ire and Stupidity 

世間之三毒 the three main poisons of this world 

如此三惡毒 And such three malicious poisons 

永除名佛寶 Exterminated them Forever, named The Buddha-Ratna 

法寶滅眾毒 The Dharma-Ratna could destroy all poisons 

僧寶亦無餘 The Sangha-Ratna would destroy them without any remains 

破壞凶惡毒 destroy malicious poisons 

攝受護善人 to keep and protect all good mankind 

佛破一切毒 The Buddha destroys all poisons 

汝蛇毒今破 now thou snake’s poisons is destructed (註1)

Thus, The Buddha destroys all poisons. Accordingly, chant this “Gatha”, thou covid-19 is to be destroyed too !!!!

註解 footnote
註1 : 摘錄自雜阿含經第252經。Cited from Samyukt-agama, No. 252 Sutra.
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

