2015年9月1日 星期二

By 'n' by hard times comes a-knocking at the door ! (54)

莊子嘆曰 : 世俗所謂知者,有不為大盜積(累積)者乎 ?
又嘆曰 : 所謂聖者,有不為大盜守(守護)者乎 ? (見莊子胠篋)(註1)
大宗師可又扯遠了 !
不,舉個實例 :「然而田成子一旦殺齊君而盜其國,所盜者豈獨其國邪 ? 並與其聖知之法而盜之。故田成子有乎盜賊之名,而身處堯舜之安。小國不敢非,大國不敢誅,十二世有齊國。」(見莊子胠篋)
大宗師總歸一句話 : 彼聖人者,天下之利器也,非所以明(展示)天下也。(見莊子胠篋)
漢儒謀道不謀食,將堯舜孔孟聖賢之道,封箱加鍊上鎖----五常箍以三綱,呈獻漢武帝,為了防範大盜 ?
將為胠篋探囊發匱之盜而為守備,則必攝緘縢,固扃鐍,此世俗之所謂知也。然而巨盜至,則負匱揭篋擔囊而趨,唯恐緘縢扃鐍而不固也。然則鄉之所謂知者,不乃為大盜積也 ? 故嘗試論之,世俗所謂知者,有不為大盜積者乎 ? 所謂聖者,有不為大盜守者乎 ? (見莊子胠篋)
If precautions are to be taken against thieves who break into safes, go into bags, and open boxes, one must arrange ropes carefully and strengthen bolts.
This is what is popularly recognized as wisdom.
But then a robber comes along and runs off carrying the box, the safe, and the bag because one's sole fear has been that the ropes and the bolts were not stronger enough.
That is so-called wise man has been only an acumulator for robber.
Let's talk about this a minute. Don't the men popularly considered wise all become acumulators for robbers ? Don't so-called sages all become refuges for robbers ?( The sayings of Chuang Tzu, English translation by James H. Wares, Ch. 10, Safe-breaking )
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

