2016年1月29日 星期五


尋找造物主( The Creator )
So called Eleaticism (II)
{There can be no motion either ,for it would have to be a motion into something that is---which is not possible since it would be blocked---or a motion into something that is not---which is not equally impossible since what is not does not exist.
Hence, everything is solid immobile being. } ( Ibid.)
{吾人所熟悉的世界,萬物周旋,生成與消逝,僅是一個吾人信以為真的信念世界(意見) 。}
{The familiar world, in which things move around, come into being and pass away, is a world of mere belief (doxa).} ( Ibid.)
Parmenides就是堅持絕對存有( Being)不變的唯一性( the Oneness)與不動性 ( the Immobility ),不可能成為現象界的存有,有其生成與消逝。也因此,Parmenides稱"絕對存有"為真理之道或道("What is"; the way of truth ; the really true ),非感官知覺所能認知。其乃純粹本體( pure ontology ),沒有過去與未來,只有現在,且唯有理性始能認知。
依據持久的觀察而顯示,信以為積極性的, 比如俱真實存有者,此即光亮和溫熱。其為消極性的, 比如缺乏積極性的存有,此即黑暗和寒冷。}
{In the second part of poem, however, Parmenides tried to give an analytical account of this world of belief.
Showing that it rested on constant distinctions between what is believed to be positive--i.e., to have real being, such as light and warmth--and what is negative--i.e., the absence of positive being. such as darkness and cold.} ( Ibid.)
造物主是不動的推動者( The Immobile Mover )?
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

