尋找造物主( The Creator )
理性的唯一神論(Monotheism) :人們依據其想像造神 ?
西元前560年,從小亞細亞移民意大利南部Elea 的朗頌史詩和哲學思辯者,Xenophanes說 : 人們依據其想像造神,他辯稱,唯有一神統治宇宙,而此真神永恆不滅。
( Xenophanes of Colophon, rhapsode and philosophic thinker, who emigrated from Asia Minor to Elea in Sothern Italy, (b.c. 560 BC) said :
Men made their own gods in their own image. He argued that there could be only one God, the ruler of the universe , who must be eternal. See, Britannica Encyclopaedia, 15th edition, Macropaedia, vol. 25, p.745)
( For, being the strongest of all beings, he could not have come out of something less strong, nor could he be overcome or superseded by something else, because nothing could arise that is stronger than the strongest. Ibid.)
Xenophanes毫不遲疑公開抨擊荷馬Homer的萬神殿,尤其是他的擬人神論。Xenophanes仍認為「萬神和萬人之上,存在一位主神。而祂的形體和思想都是不朽的。」(見默西亞 埃里亞德前揭書,第2册,頁197,註43)
Xenophanes也造出他的神 ?
不,Xenophanes依據一個定律( an axiom ) 。
此定律又從何而來 ?
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker