尋找造物主( The Creator )
宇宙一元論(The Monistic Cosmology) 和萬有蘊生論者(hylozoists) 的生命起源說(III)
Anaximander的傳人,Anaximenes of Miletus, 同於Thales,將一種特殊物質安放在宇宙形成的起源。( like Thales, he placed a special kind of matter at the beginning of the development of the world. )( Ibid.)
Anaximenes 似乎走回頭路,但是,這種評判失卻重點。Thales 或Anaximander皆不明指其他事物如何由水或混沌產生。(Neither Thales nor Anaximander appear to have specified the way in which the other things arose out of the water or apeiron. )( Ibid.)
Anaximenes還是宣稱,其他類型的物質因空氣(air)的壓縮(condensation)和稀化(rarefaction)而產生。(however, declared that the other types of matter arose out of air by condensation and rarefaction.)( Ibid.)
然而,Anaximenes 回歸Thales的物始,它即是一個不變原理,也是一個定律。
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker