尋找造物主( The Creator )
宇宙一元論(The Monistic Cosmology) 和萬有蘊生論者(hylozoists) 的生命起源說(I)
名列古希臘七智者(seven wise men; seven "Sophoi")的Thales,何以被尊為希臘第一哲學家 ?
Thales最早給予宇宙起源,以純粹自然生態詮釋,排除神祕成分,宣稱萬物皆源自水--據於內陸發現海洋生物化石的解說。( The reason that Thales was considered to be the first Greek philosopher is that he was the first to give a purely natural explanations of the origin of the world, free from all mythological ingredients, that declaring that everything had come out of water--an explanation based on the discovery of fossil sea animals far inland.) (Ibid.)
其人 (和他的傳人) 傾向給予宇宙緣起非神祕性解說,無可置疑,此係由小亞細亞沿岸,文明領先於希臘人的若干民族所引領。{ His tendency ( and that of his immediate successors ) to give non-mythological explanations of the origin of the world was undoubted prompted by the fact that all of them lived on the coast of Asia Minor surrounded by a number of nations with civilizations much farther advanced than that of the Greeks. } (Ibid.)
Anaximander of Miletus,是Thales的徒子,Anaximenes of Miletus,是Thales的徒孫。希臘最早三位哲學家,皆是萬有蘊生論者(hylozoists) ,相信某種原始生命物質。師徒三代相續引進萬有蘊生論的宇宙一元論(The Monistic Cosmology) ,注入希臘文明 。
Alex Pan TheWalker
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)