尋找造物主( The Creator )
一個定律( an axiom )---- 無不生有,有則不滅( III )
Arche, beginning這一用語,除了本身是一不變原理外,稱之物始(arche)或混沌(apeiron) 。這原理本身,經由諸多轉化仍維持不變 : "此一不變性原理的概念,進而推定一個理念,即無中不生有,吾人觀察到所有生成和消逝,無非是某存有的轉化,其本質上乃永遠不變"。(This concept of a principle that remains the same through many transmutations is, furthermore, the presupposition of the idea that nothing can come out of nothing and that all of the comings to be and passings away that men observe are nothing but the transmutations of something that essentially remains the same eternally.) (Ibid.)
如此,物始的轉化,於其根底存在所有蘊藏法則----關於物質、力量和能量的蘊藏---其乃物理發展的基礎。(In this way it also lies at the bottom of all of the conservations laws --those of the conservation of matter, of force, and of energy---that have been basic in the development of the physics.) (Ibid.)
道可道,非常道 ; 名可名,非常名。(見老子第一章)
生滅不滅,何者不生 ? 何者不滅 ?
Alex Pan TheWalker
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)