2015年4月22日 星期三

"人權之法理基礎"續述(六十)活在回憶(22) ---- 轉識成智 (I)

活在回憶(22) ---- 轉識成智 (I)
Timaeus說道 : 「依我的見解,視覺(或眼識)對於我們是最大恩賜的源頭,倘若我們不曾見過星辰、太陽和天堂,我們談到宇宙,就叫不出這些詞句。」
(The sight in my opinion is the source of the greatest benefit to us, for had we never seen the stars and the sun and the heaven, none of the words which we have spoken about the universe would ever have been uttered. Timaeus, 37 a )
Timaeus是畢達哥拉斯信徒( Pythagorean) ,畢氏是聖人的典範,自稱記得自己的前生,保有彼岸世界的記憶,而且,傳說他和諸神有關係,有支配動物和同時倆地出現的神通。(見埃里亞德前揭書第二冊頁191)
Timaeus接著說道 : 「唯日與夜、月和年歲更新的視覺(或眼識),產生數目,且給予吾人時間的概念,和對於宇宙本質的探討能力,而且,從此源頭吾人導引出哲學。較之此視覺,並無更佳恩賜,諸神曾或將給予有限生命的人類。......言論和聽覺當可同樣受肯定。諸神亦以相同目的和同樣理由將其賜予。」
(But now the sight of day and night and months and the revolutions of the years have created number and have given us a conception of time, and the power of inquiring about the nature of the universe. And from this source we have derived philosophy, than which no greater good ever was or will be given by the gods to the mortal man. .....The same may be affirmed of speech and hearing. They have given by the gods to the same end and the like reason. Timaeus, 37 a, 37 c )
月圓,月缺,月圓,多少天或多少日 ? 月圓,月缺,又見月圓,稱之一個月。樹葉掉落,又長出新芽。多少天或多少日,或多少次月圓、月缺,樹木又長出新芽 ?一年。
眼、色、眼識、眼觸,眼觸因緣生受想思。Timaeus光靠視覺(聽覺等)官能就能開發哲學,進而揭開宇宙人生真相 ,度脫世間 ?
「眼、色、眼識、眼觸,眼觸因緣生受,內覺若苦、若樂、不苦不樂,耳鼻舌身意、法、意識、意觸,意觸因緣生受,內覺若苦、若樂、不苦不樂,是名世間。所以者何 ?
(見雜阿含第230經,另參考釋從信師父著,阿含經的疑難,頁80以下,空˙唯心˙唯識 )
這會是Timaeus所開發的哲學 ?
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

