2015年4月15日 星期三

"人權之法理基礎"續述(五十七) 活在回憶(19) ---- 知識等同回憶(V)

活在回憶(19) ---- 知識等同回憶(V)
Thales, Anaximander 和Anaximenes等的第一原理,Xenophanes的唯一神論乃至奧斐斯(Orpheus)的宙斯原始神論,並不能說明,"有或存有( being )"從何來 ? 誰是造物主( The Creator ) ?
柏拉圖認為,諸永久存有,即宇宙範型和諸神,皆上帝所創造,上帝是造物主( The Creator )和眾神之父。
故曰 :
「諸事物因必然性而成為存有---宇宙的創造,乃必然性和心的結合作品。」(the things which come into being through necessity--for the creation of this world is the combined work of necessity and mind. Timaeus, 48 a )
(Mind, the ruling power, persuaded necessity to bring the greater part of created things to perfection, and thus and after this manner in the beginning, through necessity made subject to reason this universe was created. Timaeus, 48 b )
心造一切法 ,而且,心依其理性造法。例如,水、火、風、地等四元素,被引為宇宙生成的第一原理。然而此四元素的形式,係理念所造,成為實有( being ),稱之形式( form ) ( ie., the four elementary forms, which have now been created in idea, among the four elements. Timaeus, 55 d) 。
人的智性在理性的主導下,若能領悟"心造一切法",得以脫離混沌 (apeiron),超越有無,不再陷入"無不生有 ? 有從何來 ? "的迷思。這是種慧解脫。
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

