活在回憶(15) ---- 知識等同回憶(I)
蘇格拉底說道 : 是故,靈魂懂得每件事物的真相。因為它是不朽的,而且,一再投胎轉世,瞭解此世界和其他世界所有事物。 因此,我們不用驚奇,所有德性和其他知識,靈魂一旦擁有,我們將看到,靈魂就能回憶。所有自然都類似 ,而靈魂無所不知。因之,當一個人想起某知識的片段---用心學習,以最平常的語言----沒有理由,他不能回想出所有其他部分,假定他維持堅強心意和追尋不懈。因為追尋和學習即是回憶。
Thus the soul, since it is immortal and has been born many times, and has seen all things both here and in the other world, has learned everything that is. So we need not be surprised if it can recall the knowlegde of virtue or anything else which, as we see, it once possessed. All nature is akin and the soul has learned everything. So that when a man has recalled a single piece of knowledge--learned it, in ordinary language---there is no reason why he should not find out all the rest, if he keeps a stout heart and does not grow weary of the search, for seeking and learning are in fact nothing but recollection. (See, Meno, English Translation By W. K. C. Guthrie, 81 c-d" )
蘇格拉底想學習宿命通,以徹知宇宙人生真相 ?
不 ! 柏拉圖認為,他的老師蘇格拉底提示 : 知識等同回憶。(見埃里亞德前揭書第二冊頁196)
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker