2014年10月18日 星期六

火車勾甘蔗(總結) God bless Taiwan!(302)

「大宗師。鷦鷯巢於深林,不過一枝。偃鼠飲河,不過滿腹。(The tailor bird nests in the forest and uses only one branch, and the tapir, when drinking of the river, takes only a bellyful. Let Fancy Roam, Chuang Tzu.) 」
「書呆子。那不就是許由拒絕堯帝的讓天下 !」
「是的,大宗師。歸休夫君,予無所用天下為!庖人雖不治庖,尸祝不越樽俎而代之矣。(Go back and rest my Lord ! I have no use for the world. Even if there is no chief in the kitchen, the representative of the ancestor and the cantor do not quit the sacrificial vessels to take his place. Ibid) 」
「予立於宇宙之中…….春耕….秋收….日出而作,日入而息,逍遙於天地之間而心意自得。吾何以天下為哉!悲夫,子之不知予也!(“I stand in the midst of the universe. In winter I wear skins; in summer, linen. In spring I plow and sow, for which I am built. After reaping the harvest in autumn, I can rest. I rise(work )at sunrise and sleep(rest) at sunset. I let my fancy roam throughtout all nature and find my heart and mind quite satisfied. What I do with the world? It is too bad that you not understand me.”Yielding Political Power, Chuang Tzu.)
「嗯。所以老子說 : 生而不有,為而不恃,長而不宰。(You shall give life to things, but never possess them; your work shall depend on none; you shall be chief but never lord.Ch.51, Lao Tzu.) 」
「哦,大宗師。再加上前述,故道生之,德畜之,長之育之,亭之毒之,養之覆之。(So when the Way brings forth, its power fosters all; they grow, are reared, and fed and housed until they come ripe maturity. Ch. 51, Lao Tzu.) 。是謂玄德。(This describe the mystic power.Ibid)」
「書呆子。自古以來,諸修道者知天命者,追求個人終極目的,莫不知道德,即此玄德。故謂 : 道之尊,德之貴,夫莫之命而常自然。(The exaltation of the Way, the veneration of its power, come not by fate or by decree; but always just because by nature it is so. Ch.51, Lao Tzu.)。」

(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker
2014 10 19

