2014年10月11日 星期六

火車勾甘蔗(總結)God bless Taiwan!(298)

「書呆子。老子說 : 夫得是,至美至樂也,得至美而游乎至樂,謂之至人。(There is the most beautiful and joyful of achievements. Being man in his highest form is achieving the most beautiful and living in the highest joy. Ibid.)得至美而游乎至樂,當然,知見不生不滅。」
「書呆子。南伯子葵問女踽(立人旁) ,子之年長矣,而色若孺子,何也?
乃回答,吾聞道矣。(Tzu-Chi’I of Nan-po asked Ju Yu, “you are old in year, but your complexion is that of a child. Why?” “I have been taught a method.” Chapter 6, Let God be Teacher, Chuang Tzu) 」
「書呆子。當洗耳恭聽。夫以聖人之道告聖人之才,亦易矣。吾猶守(道)而告之,参日而後能外天下 ; 已外天下矣,吾又守之,七日而後能外物 ; 已外物矣,吾又守之,九日而後能外生 ; 已外生矣,而後能朝徹 ; 朝徹,而後能見獨 ; 見獨,而後能無古今 ; 無古今,而後能入於不生不死。(So I wanted to teach it to him in the hope that he might become a sage. Even if he didn’t , however, the potiential, informed of a method, would find it easy to understand. So I persited and informed him. After three days he could get beyond our world. I persisted more, and after seven days he could get beyond created things. With further persistence on my part, after nine days he could get beyond life. After that he could be Morning Light, then Solitariness, then free from time. Then he entered into neither-death-nor-birth. Chapter 6, Let God be Teacher, Chuang Tzu) 」
「書呆子。殺生者不死,生生者不生。其為物,無不將,無不迎也 ; 無不毀也,無不成也。其名為攖寧也。攖寧也者,攖而後成者也。(Where the destroyer of life does not die, and the producer of birth is not born. As governor of things, he escorted and greeted them all,. The name is Active Tranquillity. It means to achieve after action. Ibid.)

(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker
2014 10 12

