尋找造物主( The Creator )
父母境界-----行自境界,從父所得 (XI)
行自境界,從父所得-----四念處(正念、念根)----- 一乘道
In time past the state of Ch'i was so thickly inhabited that neighboring villages could see from one to other ; the cries of the chickens and dogs were heard from one village to another ; the nets stretched to catch birds and fish and the furrows of plows and hoes covered over two thousand square miles.
The ancestral temples and local shrines and the various political subdivisions always took the sages for models !
And yet, one fine morning, T'ien Heng slew the lord of Ch'i and stole his state. And was it only the state that he stole ? He also stole the standards associated with sagely wisdom. Therefore, although T'ien Heng was called a thief by some, he dwelt securely under the aegis of the paragons Yao and Shun. The smaller states did not dare to criticize him and the big states did not dare move to execute him., and for twelve generations his family ruled Ch'i, along with the methods associated with sagely wisdom, in order to protect one's own robbing, thieving self ? See, James R. Wares, op cit., The Sayings of Chuang Tzu, Safebreaking.
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker