尋找造物主( The Creator )
父母境界-----行自境界,從父所得 (VII)
行自境界,從父所得-----四念處(正念、念根)----- 一乘道
本摘錄不出自莊子天運,因其闡明道法自然之自然,誠如孔老夫子之所謂,天何言哉 ?(見論語陽貨)乃老子說道之法,特予摘錄,其英譯如下 :
Sparing indeed is nature of its talks ; The whirlwind will not last the mouning out ; The cloudburst ends before the day is done. See, R. B. Blakney, op cit., The sayings of Lao Tzu, Ch. 23. (老子第23章)
英譯如下 :
When the spring runs dry, the fish huddle in the dirt. They blow moisture and wet one another with froth. But it should be better if they forget one another in a river or a lake.
See, James R. Wares, op cit., The Sayings of Chuang Tzu, Nature's cycles. (莊子天運)
英譯如下 :
" To that case, whose side are you on ? "
" Sky ( or Heaven )will surely punish me for this, but I will share my point of view with you. "
" What is it ? "
" Men take to God like water to fish. Having found water they enter it to find their food provided. The former, having taken to God, are free from their tasks, and find their lives confirmed and strengthened. That is why it is said that humans forget one another in the procedures of God as fish forget one another in rivers and lakes.
See, James R. Wares, op cit., The Sayings of Chuang Tzu, Let God be Teacher. (莊子大宗師)
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker