尋找造物主( The Creator )
上帝、造物主需要動嗎 ?
物質,有正負性,同性相吸、異性相斥,這就是物性。異性相斥,呈現拒斥、衝撞,非理性。同性相吸、物以類聚、互相認同( identification ) ,才是理性。所以,物性本身就內含理性。
蓋萬物皆有實現完整自我的潛能,此必然性( necessity )孔老夫子稱之天命(見中庸第一章)。依循理性,同性相吸、類聚、相互認同,協調成整體,才能實現完美完善的自我( identification ) ,孔老夫子稱之道(同前引)。
心是諸物相互認同、共同實現完美完善自我的主導力量----心(上帝的心或上帝賦予諸可見物靈魂而擁有的心)說服必然性( necessity )服膺理性,諸物實現完美完善的自我,宇宙誕生,並得與上帝一樣完美完善。 [參考2]
宇宙是上帝最先創造的存有( being ),宇宙不是無中生有。
萬物生於有,有生於無 ?
唯,宇宙的誕生,是必然性( necessity )服膺理性的自我實現。
宇宙何曾覺知受造 ?
必然性( necessity )服膺理性的自我實現,依循自然本性( in conformity with nature ; in accordance with nature)的自主性自我實現,豈有受造的覺知。(see, Timaeus 29 b ; 老子第17章,"功成事遂,百姓皆謂我自然" ; 第25章,"道法自然")
從上帝發覺可見的混沌大氣,到形構獨立自主自足完美無缺的宇宙,不見上帝的創造行為,能見上帝動嗎 ?
誰能見上帝的心,更何況見上帝的心動 ?
Parmenides所見的" the One"是這宇宙嗎 ?
宇宙是如來藏嗎 ?
He( God; The Creator )was good, ......He desired that all things should be as like Himself as they could be. This is in the truest sense the origin of creation and of the world, as we shall do well in believing on the testimony of wise men. God desired that all things should be good and nothing bad, so far as this was attainable. Wherefore also finding the whole visible sphere not at rest, but moving in an irregular and disorderly fashion, out of disorder He brought order, considering that this was in every way better than the other. Now the deeds of the best could never be or have been other than the fairest, and the Creator, reflecting on the things which are by nature visible, found no unintelligent creature taken as a whole could ever be fairer than the intelligent taken as a whole, and again that intelligence could not be present in anything which was devoid of soul. For which reason, when He was framing the universe, He put intelligence in soul, and soul in body, that He might be the creator of a work which was by nature fairest and best. On this wise, using the language of probability, we may say that the world came into being---a living creature truly endowed soul and intelligence by the providence of God. (Timaeus 30 a. ff)
[參考2]----心是宇宙創造的主導力量,心說服必然性服膺理性,宇宙創造於焉成矣 !
The things come into being through necessity---for the creation of the world is the combined work of necessity and mind. Mind, the ruling power, persuaded necessity to bring the greater part of created things to perfection, and thus and after this manner in the beginning, through necessity made subject to reason, this world was created. (Timaeus, 47 e. ff)
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker