尋找造物主( The Creator )
{The truth really seems to be that though Parmenides does assert the distinction between Reason and Sense, he asserts it not to establish an Idealist system, but to establish a system of Monistic Materialism, in which change and movement are dismissed as illusory. Only Reason can apprehend Reality, but Reality which Reason apprehends is material. This is not Idealism but materialism. See, Frederick Copleston, S. J. A History of Philosophy, Complete and Unabridged, Vol. 1 : Greece and Rome, p. 66 ) ,
Copleston認為Parmenides的「唯一」( The One )是物質的(material),並進而指出 :
(The doctrine of Parmenides on nature of the world. His great assertion is that "It is. ""It, " i.e. Reality, Being, of whatever nature it may be, is, exists, and cannot not be. It is, and it is impossible for it not to be. Ibid.)
(That Parmenides regarded Being as material, seems to be clearly indicated by his assertion that Being, the One, is finite. Ibid. p.67 )
"心"同於「唯一」,也有其實體,而且,不是不存在( It is not no existing.)。
心不但存在而且有其實體,何以見得 ?
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker