Affirming that peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law,
申明 所有人民,基於互惠互利與國際法原則,為其本身的目的,得自由處理其天然財富與資源,而不用偏頗其因國際合作而產生的任何義務。
Believing that the process of liberation is irresistible and irreversible and that, in order to aviod serious crises, an end must be put to colonialism and all practices of Segregation and discriminaion associated therewith,
相信 解放的開展,乃不可抗拒和不可逆轉。為避免重大危機,殖民主義和所有相關的隔離、歧視諸作為,必須結束。
Welcoming the emergence in recent years of a large number of dependent territories into freedom and independence, and
樂見 近年為數眾多未獨立地區,展現出自由與獨立。
Recognizing the increasingly powerful trends towards freedom in such territories which have not yet attained independence,
曉澈 尚未獲得獨立地區,其日益壯觀邁向自由的趨勢。
Convinced that all peoples have an inalienable right to complete freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and the integrity of their national territory,
堅信 所有人民皆擁有不可剝奪權利,完全自由,行使主權與維護其自然或國家領域的完整性。
Solemnly proclaims the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations ;
鄭重 宣布 務須達成快速、無條件性終結所有形式、樣貌的殖民主義。
And to this end Declares that :
且為此目的 聲明如下 :
(From Wikisource)
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker