2015年7月15日 星期三

By 'n' by hard times comes a-knocking at the door ! (35)

「A fish trap is a means for catching fish, but once we get the fish, the trap is forgotten.
The snare is a means for catching hares, but once we get the hare, the snare is forgotten.
Similarly, words are a means for catching ideas, but when the idea has been grasped, the words are forgotten.
Where can I get a man who forgets about the words that I may talk with him ? 」
( The sayings of Chuang Tzu, Externals. 莊子外物 ,English translation by James R. Ware )
「........ ,得魚而忘筌 ; ........ ,得兔而忘蹄 ; ........ ,得意而忘言。」(莊子外物 )
莊子乃謂 :「吾安得夫忘言之人,而與之言哉 !」(莊子外物 )
大宗師境界好高喔 !
誠非凡夫俗子想像所及 !
啞巴吃黃蓮 ,有苦說不出來 !!!!!!
阿扁竟然得意而忘言,忘了選前"台灣人當家作主"的諾言,坐視民、國兩黨立法委員,將我們每家的姓氏傳遞,予以重劃-----子女的姓氏由其父母同意而決定 。
"吾"、我,"安得夫忘言之人",那裡去找到欲哭無淚的人,"而與之言哉!"和她、他 相擁而泣 !
大宗師更無從想像,欲哭無淚之人,相擁如何成泣 ?
大宗師還得拋棄任何想像,對著得意忘言更得寸進尺的人,乾瞪眼 !!!
馬英九縱容國、民兩黨立法委員,進一步將重劃後的姓氏傳遞法,予以更新-----子女滿十八歲,得選擇從父姓或從母姓 !!!!!
但是,小祖宗們又來個重新認祖歸宗 ? 哭笑重來 ?
大宗師我們那來十八年後 ?
能不授與真人功夫------入火不熱,入水不溺。(參考莊子大宗師 )
進而,遇哭不哭,遇笑不笑,哭笑不由他 !!!
Were you there ? When they crucified My Lord !!!!! !
Were you there ? When they crucified My Family Name !
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

