2015年5月11日 星期一

"人權之法理基礎"續述(七十)活在回憶(32) ---- 轉識成智 (X)

活在回憶(32) ---- 轉識成智 (X)
心( Mind, see Timaeus, 51 d ; Mind is the ruling power of the Creation of the Universe. See, Timaeus, 48 a )和非生成、不變異的"實有"( "What is "that which always is and has no becoming. See, Timaeus, 27 d sq. ),唯理性可以理解,非感官知覺所能認知( apprehended only by reason, can not be perceived by sense. ) 。
時間乃永恆的動態想像( Time is the moving image of eternity. See, Timaeus, 37 d sq. ),唯理性可以理解。
尤其,虛空的永恆,其不可壞性,和容納所有存有 : 永恆的存有和生滅不息的存有,必須在泯滅所有知覺,由一種幾近非真實、理性受激發而生的理性理解之。( The space is eternal, admits not of destruction and provides rooms for all created things, and is apprehended, when all sense is absent, by a kind of spurious reason, and is hardly real---which we, beholding as in a dream, say of all existence that it must of necessity be in some place and occupy a space, but that which is neither in heaven nor in earth has no existence. See, Timaeus, 52 b sq. )
依四聖諦,斷集證滅,得慧解脫的空。般若波羅蜜多(斷生死到彼岸的智慧)照見五蘊皆空,無苦集滅道、無智亦無得的空。乃至轉識成智成大覺,謂空生大覺中,如海一漚發。(迷妄有虛空 依空立世界 想澄成國土 知覺乃眾生 "空生大覺中 如海一漚發" 見楞嚴經卷六 文殊偈 ; 當知虛空生汝心內 猶如片雲點太清裡 況諸世界在虛空耶。見楞嚴經卷九)
虛空、非受造、無為、如夢如幻,非因緣非自然 ,唯理性激發而生的理性,始得理解之。
理性何所在 ?
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

