2015年1月31日 星期六

"人權之法理基礎"續述(二十八) 自然法的理型或理念(The Idea Of Natural Law) (7)

自然法的理型或理念(The Idea Of Natural Law) (7)
亞理斯多德開創一學說( doctrine ),謂人類乃萬物之一,與萬物同受自然法則的規範,但是,人類獨俱理性,有其自由意志,單獨受自然法的規範,人類據此優越性,支配萬物。
亞理斯多德已將自然法則( the natural laws )和自然法 ( the natural law ) ,予以區分 。而人類理性所認知的自然法 ( the natural law ) ,屬於道德範疇,攸關其所開發的目的論( Teleology ) 。
唯,就目的論而言,亞理斯多德據於有機體論宇宙觀,只談整體性的完全成長,不涉個人的目的。而康德據於機械論宇宙觀,倡言個人目的自主,本身得為一終極目的。雖然,兩者皆以上帝為究極因( final cause ) 。
註 :
See : The dual character of man as part and master of nature. Subject, as part of the universe, to the laws of matter and all creation, man, at the same time, dominates nature by his spirit which enables him to will freely, to distinguish between good and evil.
Aristotle, in his Logic, sees the world as a totality comprising the whole of nature. Man is part of nature in a twofold sense : on one hand he is part of matter, part of the creatures of God and as such he partakes of experience; but man is also endowed with active reason which distinguishes him from all other parts of nature. As such he is capable of forming his will in accordance with the insight of his reason.
(Quoted in W. Friedmann, Legal Theory, pp. 10, 99)

(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker

